Marrelli Support Services

About Our Support Services

Marrelli Support Services Inc. (MSSI) specializes in the preparation of quarterly, semi-annual, and annual financial statements, including comprehensive note disclosure. We also administer Canadian Flow-Through Share programs and offer special compliance assistance on transactions such as business combinations, acquisitions, or strategic re-organizations.

Our full-service bookkeeping and payroll departments are designed to meet the day-to-day back office accounting administration of your company. Payroll administration includes annual payroll tax reporting to the Canada Revenue Agency and employees.


MSSI Spotlighted Services Offerings

Bookkeeping Services

Our full-service bookkeeping and payroll departments are designed to meet the day-to-day back-office accounting administration needs of your company.

Cash Management Services

MSSI offers its clients access to the following RBC products and services through our Cash Management Team.

Financial Accounting & Reporting

MSSI specializes in the preparation of quarterly, semi-annual, and annual financial statements, including comprehensive note disclosure.


Hage Escrow Services

Hage Escrow Services provides a comprehensive escrow offering that can be tailored to meet the needs of each client’s escrow requirements.

MSSI Outsourced Chief Financial Officer Services

Your Cost-Effective Compliance Alternative. Our Outsourced Chief Financial Officer allows you to appoint one of our senior team members on a select basis.

Specialized Services

We administer Canadian Flow-Through Share programs and offer special compliance assistance on transactions such as business combinations, acquisitions, or strategic re-organizations.

Get in Touch

82 Richmond Street East Toronto, ON M5C 1P1

Phone Number:
T: 416-361-0737
D: 416-848-0106
